Link zu den studentischen Videos zu „Social Movements and Prefigurative Politics in a global perspective“

Projekte aus dem Seminar Social Movements and Prefigurative politics in a global perspective

Die Videos finden sich unter folgendem Link/For the videos click below:

Self-Experiment on social media abstinence

Merve Tütüncüoglu, Rayhane Chalghoumi, Bojan Laganin

The Edible city of Andernach – a prefigurative project?

Jennifer Ernst, Julien Luttermann, David Jelkmann, Tilman Albrecht

Sharing economy – Food sharing

Gerry Satria Simanjuntak, Zhongzeng Zhang, Yuliia Kisilova, Katharina Hagemann

Prefigurative Politics: Democracy in Europe Movement and the European Spring

Maria Potthoff

Zero Plastic – Self-Experiment

Anika Hinzmann, Leslye Dias, Joana Meier

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